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Letting Go

Definition: To LET GO. To let your frustrations, anger, etc. go and not let it stress

you out like it has been doing.

I have been meditating for 3 years now. There are times when I have felt more

content and more consistent than others. The value in meditation is I focus on my

breath, still my mind, and practice LETTING GO of my thoughts again and again

and again like a cloud that’s moving through the sky.

This summer has been an awakening for me. I was away for 3 weeks studying

Vinyasa Flow, Restorative Yoga, Anatomy and Meditation. There was something

different that happened when I returned “home”. I did not come home as the

super Yoga Warrior Woman I thought I would be. At first I felt exhausted and

depleted, this is when I began realizing the lessons of LETTING GO. I decided to

take time to nurture and heal myself, by grounding, accepting and appreciating

who I am. I had a new found feeling of trusting that all my experiences both

positive & negative are valuable.

I believe after 3 weeks away, coming home created an awareness of how content

and fulfilled I really am. Not by the things I have, but by accepting where I am on

my path in life. I suddenly began to notice my choices and how I am happy in the

moment. I felt a peacefulness, a LETTING GO of past grievances. I experienced

forgiveness, a fuller heart, and an appreciation for the lessons life was bringing to


So on my 55 th birthday I wondered how I would feel when I woke up. Would I feel

alone, no kids, friends, or anyone here? Would I be sad? Angry? Empty? No, no

and no. I woke up at 7:00am to one of my dogs throwing up, Happy Birthday to

me! So I decided to meditate. I began feeling peaceful, surrendering my thoughts,

LETTING GO and then become startled by my cat jumping on me. I breathe. I’m

ok. I’m still ok. Next my dog escaped outside and I chased him around for 20

minutes in my nightgown. I found myself yelling after him “not today it’s my

birthday”. I’m sure he understood as he proceeded for the first time ever into the

pond to chase ducks. Breathe. Ok. I’m still ok. I definitely was not lonely or bored

on my birthday. It was then that I realize I was finally able to LET GO. Able to

laugh at my morning with my pets.

As I went into my house I had wonderful phone calls, Facebook messages and text

messages from my kids and friends wishing me a Happy Birthday. Soon my oldest

daughter arrived with balloons, surprising me with my favorite Acai bowl for my


Who can imagine when you let go, truly LET GO, the precious positive moments

that will fill up that space.

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